Thursday, November 28, 2019

Reunion de la ONU Essays - DraftIndustrializacin Japonesa

Reunion de la ONU Grupo #1 Cynth ia: Buenos dias vengo en representacion de mi pais Holanda yo y la presidenta de la organizacion ambiental de Holanda Katia Rapalo . Katia: Muy buenos dias el motivo porque nosotros estemos aqui frente a ustedes es para solicitar ayuda ya que nuestro pais se esta viendo afectado gracias a la contaminacion proveniente de Alemania y queremos discutir que podes hacer para evitar que nuestro se siga viendo afectado por contaminacion externa. Stephannie: Buenos dias, yo hablo en representacion de mi pais Alemania y nosotros nos hemos convertido en una potencia mundial y la contaminacion ha sido un efecto secundaria pero nosotros hemos aportado mucho al mundo y creo que un problema como la contaminacion en una pequena magnitud no es un grave problema. Kenbely: Muy buenos dias, yo soy representante de Belgica y quiero aclarar que este problema de la contaminacion proveniente de Alemania no es un problema pequeno, este problema ha crecido a tal grado que mi pais Belgica esta siento afectado por ello y genera preocupacion en los paises vecinos. Cynthia: Con estas declaraciones se puede afirmar que este problema en un futuro puede convertirse en un problema que se vera afectado gran parte de los paises. Por ello pido buscar una solucion inmediata a este problema y no vamos a aceptar ninguna excusa de que solo porque han aportado en gran parte a la economia global pueden destruir el planeta en el cual vivimos, ya que si destruimos nuestro ecosistema de que nos sirve el aporte a la economia. Jose Luis: Bueno luego de haber escuchado el conflicto que existe entre sus naciones he decidido junto al demas personal encargado en esta esta reunion que Alemania debera firmar un acuerdo en el cual implemente un sistema que supervise y regule las actividades industriales, para asi poder reducir la contaminacion y por medio de este acuerdo se podra solucionar los problemas ambientales por los cuales han sido afectados los paises vecinos de Alemania. Fernando: Yo he sido asignado a supervisar a que se cumpla este acuerdo y dare fe de ello, para que la paz entre las naciones se mantenga y podamos salvar nuestro planeta. Ya resuelto este problema podemos proseguir con el siguiente punto de esta reunion. Grupo #2 Gerald: Buenos dias. Jose Carlos: Nosotros somos los altos ejecutivos de Honduras y nos gustaria dar una propuesta para que nos ayuden. Iratze: Necesitamos que otros paises nos ayuden a donar medicinas para el Hospital Mario Catarino Rivas, ya que nos hemos enfrentado con muchos casos de la fiebre amarilla. Cesar: Disculpen, pero esta fiebre amarilla hasta ahorita solo esta concentrada en nuestro pais y necesitamos medicinas. Gerald: Hoy acaban de dar las noticias de que se cerraran los vuelos internacionales para no expandir el virus. Jose Carlos: Que opinan? (los miembros de la ONU dialogan) contamos con 2 millones de dolares para comprar medicinas, pero eso no ajusta para combatir la enfermedad al 100%. Nicole (miembro de otro pais): entiendo su situacion, Francia esta estudiando la fiebre amarilla y tenemos muchos antibioticos para ustedes. Le podemos donar unas 1000 unidades. Cesar: Muchas gracias! Marcos de Estados Unidos (con acento gringo): bueno, nosotros poder venderles 3000 unidades a 1 millon de dolares y le donariamos 200 unidades. Cesar: Nuestro grupo de hondurenos: hey, esa oferta no la podemos desperdiciar a pesar de estar cara! I ratze: Obvio! Es mejor llegar con medicinas que llegar con las manos vacias, todo sea por nuestra gente. Gerald: Aceptaremos todas las donaciones y le compraremos 6000 unidades, senor.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Concorde

The news was disheartening for people around the world when they came to know about the decision regarding the last scheduled flight of Concorde. For some, the decision was too early and surprisingly, for the others it was a bit late. But, on the whole many people were affected by the decision. Many people kept wondering about the reasons behind such a decision of bidding farewell to all the supersonic passenger jets. In recent years, the overall image of the Concorde has been dramatically changed. As Knight explains, â€Å"Hardly any major industrial or technological project in the modern age has had to suffer the barrage of criticism that has assailed Concorde throughout its life.†1 After looking at the fate of the Concorde, little hope is left for making these supersonic jets available again for the people in near future. There had been a number of reasons for the commercial failure of the Concorde. In the era when there is a struggle for the survival and to minimise the cost of production, the Concorde’s unique travelling experience was an expensive one. Its fuel inefficiency was also of major concern. As Knight argues, â€Å"It must be the only airplane project ever launched without some preliminary understanding with the airlines of what their requirements were and what the market for it might be.†2 The terrorism around the world and the Iraq war were the other major consequences that contributed to the commercial failure of the Concorde. Above all the other things the changing nature of economic climate around the world cannot be ignored. The other factors which affected the Concorde commercially were the noise level, tax, purchase prices and depreciation. If we analyze the reasons behind the commercial failure of the Concorde we can divide the reasons into the direct factors and the indirect factors. One of the significant direct factors has been the crash of an Air France Concorde in Paris in July 2000 which killed mor... Free Essays on Concorde Free Essays on Concorde The news was disheartening for people around the world when they came to know about the decision regarding the last scheduled flight of Concorde. For some, the decision was too early and surprisingly, for the others it was a bit late. But, on the whole many people were affected by the decision. Many people kept wondering about the reasons behind such a decision of bidding farewell to all the supersonic passenger jets. In recent years, the overall image of the Concorde has been dramatically changed. As Knight explains, â€Å"Hardly any major industrial or technological project in the modern age has had to suffer the barrage of criticism that has assailed Concorde throughout its life.†1 After looking at the fate of the Concorde, little hope is left for making these supersonic jets available again for the people in near future. There had been a number of reasons for the commercial failure of the Concorde. In the era when there is a struggle for the survival and to minimise the cost of production, the Concorde’s unique travelling experience was an expensive one. Its fuel inefficiency was also of major concern. As Knight argues, â€Å"It must be the only airplane project ever launched without some preliminary understanding with the airlines of what their requirements were and what the market for it might be.†2 The terrorism around the world and the Iraq war were the other major consequences that contributed to the commercial failure of the Concorde. Above all the other things the changing nature of economic climate around the world cannot be ignored. The other factors which affected the Concorde commercially were the noise level, tax, purchase prices and depreciation. If we analyze the reasons behind the commercial failure of the Concorde we can divide the reasons into the direct factors and the indirect factors. One of the significant direct factors has been the crash of an Air France Concorde in Paris in July 2000 which killed mor...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Rights of Children in Asylum under the UN Essay

The Rights of Children in Asylum under the UN - Essay Example Children who have separated such as the children who are far away from their states of derivation and alienated from parents or other relatives are not visible in this world. This invisibility is divided into two folds, first as children who frequently have no authority to raise their voice and secondly as asylum seekers, are prevented to have attention or power in the society. If these children are mostly invisible in the first case than who will become aware of them if they go missing Who will support on their behalf and participate as a substitute parent to prompt the state that its responsibilities under the UN Convention on the rights of the child relate to all children within its country, be they populace or not. Frequently, romantic concept of early days differentiates sharply with the severe actuality for a lot children globally. Amnesty international has recognized human rights infringement of children together with killing by death groups, agony, unfair imprisonment, obligatory genital disfigurement, slavery, trafficking on sensitive organs and cruelty of lane children. Additionally enforced marriage, forced recruitment and individuals trafficking and most of the children are repeatedly mistreated just because they are kids. Specific violation towards children of human rights has still to find clear example in government. Perhaps to guard the children. It is prefer to provide such children unseen rather than thinking about their encounters. However, the reason that they are grown-up adults and that going missing interprets as deciding to go secretive. While some may have a mature behavior as a result of their previous experiences it is these same experiences which have roughly overwhelme d the blameless child surrounded by. Maybe if they are called matured, they become grown-up and are called as asylum seekers. Although, these children should be observed as children initially and as primary plus their migration position should be less important. The best happiness of the child are dominant in any choice. For example, visualize that your family has been misplaced due to political brutality and eventually you become an orphan. You are only twelve years old and have soft retardation. A companion eventually protects a ticket and migration papers to dash you to the United States for refuge. Leading towards the entrance, you are under arrest for demeanor of a false passport. You are questioned single-handedly in a lingo you do not converse or understand. You discover yourself locked up in a mature prison with illegal criminals awaiting a managerial migration investigating on your allege to asylum. The system actually forgets to take you to see a migration judge for about eight to nine months. Yet while signified by in favor of bono advice, the migration court rejects you asylum and you stay locked up amongst the adults while you plea your case. You waste your initial three years in the United States, dragging your feet from jail to jail. At last you are free to a refugee protection and a new asylum consideration is prearranged. This strange step is the effect of worldwide media reporting and over seventy constituents of the assembly, several public notices is of foundations and thousands of people pleasing to migration systems for you. You then experience the greatest asylum tryout in U.S.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Law of One Price - Purchasing Power Parity Assignment

The Law of One Price - Purchasing Power Parity - Assignment Example Multinational companies operating in countries such as those may be faced by risk emanating from their trade especially when there is a drawdown as well as repayment of Import/ Export Forex Loans in addition to disbursements of import/Export Bills denominated mostly in foreign currencies. Such companies will also be faced with risk emanating from Inward/Outward Remittances which are also denominated in currencies from other countries. There is also risk coming from overseas dividends that are arising from repatriating profit from overseas back home as well as operating expenses of overseas such as paying employees working in overseas. Lastly, foreign exchange risk may emanate from assets held in overseas countries such as excess cash balances of subsidiaries operating in overseas together with overseas liabilities that may result from the borrowing of foreign currency (Sharan, 2012). These fluctuations in foreign exchange rates may trigger changes in the value of the cash flows, liabilities and assets, particularly when they are denominated in foreign currencies. This means, therefore, such fluctuations may adversely affect a company’s outgoing import disbursements and incoming export funds. This is why management of foreign exchange risk is very important since it can help in minimising the risk or maximising the firm’s profit (Berg, 2010). A managed floating exchange rate is crucial for not only economic restructuring but also optimization of allocation of resources. This is because an exchange rate symbolizes price relations that exist between non-tradable and tradable goods and services. A regime of managed floating exchange rate improves the effectiveness of resource allocation, direct resources to the economic sectors that are mainly fuelled by domestic demand, for instance, the services sector, promotion of industrial upgrading, transformation of the economic pattern development, reduction of trade imbalances together with over-reliance on exports, all these stimulate economic demand to have an influential role in economic development and hence leads to promotion of balanced and sustained economic growth.

Monday, November 18, 2019

On-Site Executive MBA Program Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

On-Site Executive MBA Program - Assignment Example On-Site Executive MBA Program A growing number of business proficient’s prefer to get their MBAs over the internet. Getting an MBA degree is a big achievement for many students. Countless undergraduates after graduating progress to get their Masters Degree in their most wanted field. This marketing plan points up the market fragments and the line of attack of employing to get consumers and generate a compact income stream. Our exclusive emphasis is giving out chances for the round-the-clock working undergraduate that is unable to go to a university grounds for courses. A twist that gives us a benefit over our opponents is of giving pupils more preferences of what is accessible in selection from a more range of majors. From experience, many virtual universities have a very rudimentary collection of MBA degree majors. In the present day business biosphere, the importance and standing of clienteles is not something that would be put to one side by businesses. In defining a target market you need to decide if your item for consumption is worldwide or countrywide in choice? Or is it more prospective that you will vend it principally in your own district or public? In the circumstance of an online MBA Program, the key market is essentially nationwide and worldwide. Pupils want to go to the United States from all around the world to go to a USA school. In addition, there is a marketplace for students in the States that wish to go to school overseas. The secondary market is native people who have kinfolks and are too busy to join a campus and go to lecture.(Advantage and Disadvantage of Distance Learning, 2011) Likewise, we would be targeting the middle class i.e. students who cannot afford to pay huge amounts of fees to get a degree. An online Program

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fracking

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fracking Research Review Due to the nature of the question its structure appears to be formulaic; one side looking at the potential benefits and the other presenting counter arguments centring on environmental and social impacts. This structure led naturally to researching the potential benefits of fracking first. A good starting point was the official government report Shale gas and fracking[1], this gives a wide overview of the situation regarding fracking in the UK; however the area that is of particular interest for this project refers to the â€Å"Economic implications†. Regular comparisons are made with the United States; where fracking has been implemented on a large scale, dramatically changing their energy landscape for the better. These comparisons have led to the conclusion that â€Å"shale gas was unlikely to be a â€Å"game-changer† as in the US†, this is down to the comparable shortage of land on which to drill in the UK. Suggesting that UK fracking will yield considerably lower economic benefits than the US, despite this according to a May 2013 report referenced in the document a scenario has been put forward â€Å"Where UK shale gas production attracts  £3.7 billion per year and supports up to 74,000 jobs†, clearly showing the potential benefits of fracking. As expected from a government report counter arguments are provided very effectively, this is a vital part of a cost benefit analyse; the main purpose of the document. A large portion of the document is dedicated to â€Å"Environmental considerations†, relating well to the environmental and social impacts section of my dissertation, therefore this source covers arguments both for and against fracking in the UK and will prove very useful when writing my dissertation. Looking at the origin of the source it appears credible, published on the 22nd January 2014 suggests that up to date information has been used, it has also been written by a plethora of different writers, thus decreasing the chances of any bias influencing conclusions. Finally it is an official government document therefore likely to be highly reliable with informed decisions being made following the collation of large amounts of research data. Although the report made clear there is a distinct lack of information regarding fracking in UK, for example â€Å"the amount of shale gas that could be commercially extracted† is not known, possibly making any further assumptions such as how far could fracking bring down energy costs, unreliable as no exact calculations can be made. Shale gas and fracking raised the idea of Shale gas being used as â€Å"bridge† from coal to clearer renewable sources of energy. A similar idea is addressed in Michael Levi’s research paper Climate Consequences of Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel[2]; this explores the use of natural gas as a bridge fuel. The main function of this bridge fuel is â€Å"smoothing a transition †¦ from fossil fuels to zero carbon energy by temporarily offsetting the decline in coal use†. Levi takes a research orientated approach using hypothetical scenarios to answer this question; he begins with 6 traditional stabilization scenarios before constructing â€Å"six new â€Å"bridge† scenarios† and finally â€Å"six delayed transmission scenarios†. This modelling demonstrates the effects of these different scenarios on CO2 concentration and temperature change; this is significant when assessing the potential benefits of fracking as if it can lower CO2 output and po tentially reduce dependency on coals leading to â€Å"zero carbon energy† it could suggest there is a strong case for it implementation. Again this source presents both sides of the argument, the converse of which is that methane emissions from the extraction of natural gas â€Å"will severely reduce or entirely negate the climate benefits of lower CO2 emissions†. Despite this potential downfall not necessarily fitting my counter argument of the environmental and social impacts, it could be used to evaluate the potential benefits of fracking. Dr Levi, a David Rubenstein senior fellow for energy and the environment, is highly regarded having published many scholarly articles for a number of academic papers such as the Oxford press. Therefore this source seems highly credible as the author has extensive experience in the field of energy and fracking. Despite this there is considerable ambiguity over the conclusions made, he is aware that he has only used a limited number of scenarios and that â€Å"examination of additional scenarios could further reinforce or challenge his result†. Upon appraisal it was evident that a clear fracking debate was emerging, this led me to a particular TED talk entitled The Fracking Debate[3] delivered by Terry Engelder, a leading authority on the Marcellus gas shale play. Engelder believes that the economy will only grow in proportion to its availability to energy and that fracking should be used to fuel this growth. Engelder arguments are not constructed in such a way that champions fracking but instead by deposing its alternatives, for example if America was to implement wide scale renewable energy programs such as solar and wind then it would experience numerous problems. Such as, extensive use of solar panels become susceptible to sudden voltage shocks from the emerging sun causing failure in transmissions systems. He also raises the fact that these are heavily subsidised; unlike fracking. Finally the counter argument over methane emissions from fracking offsetting the reduction in CO2 in Levi’s paper is disproved, Engel der suggests that Co2 emissions will have a far more sever effect on global temperature change as oppose to Methane emissions because of its short  ½ life. In terms of utility this source is highly subjective; Engelder’s has a strong pro fracking stance, which may result in bias thus limiting objectivity. Although having said this the arguments raised demonstrate the potential benefits of fracking are very logical therefore it will prove useful when writing my dissertation. During this TED talk Engelder refers to the book the end of country[4] by shamus McGraw, this provides a valuable case study with personal insight into the effects of fracking on a local scale. McGraw acts a detached narrator recalling the discovery of the Marcellus gas shale play worth an estimated $1 trillion. He demonstrates how some benefited from this discovery selling their land to oil companies, but at the same time explores the complex moral issues behind selling land that generations have relied on, for a quick profit; resulting in it becoming permanently scared. McGaw is an experienced freelance writer; therefore this book is likely to give an accurate account from a neutral perspective avoiding any subjectivity. However he may be prone to exaggeration for dramatic effect, which could influence the reader. On its own The end of country cannot be given considerable weighting as it only refers to one example and is therefore not representative of every Fracking scenario. Although it is a good piece of supplementary evidence to support the arguments raised in my dissertation. These local economic benefits raised The end of country could be seen as a positive. Yet Prof. Susan Christopherson of Cornell University argues that these are short-term and that the communities will suffer in the long run, these views are presented on her Green choices website[5]. She refers extensively to the â€Å"ripple affect† that occurs once natural gas extraction has begun in an area, these include â€Å"Direct effects on property values, the local tax base †¦ costs associated with increased use of infrastructure, especially roads and bridges†. This source will prove extremely useful when examining the social impacts of fracking as it allows a deeper level of analysis looking at the longer term impacts rather than more immediate ones. It could also provide a good link between my two arguments, as on the one hand you have the short term gain but this is countered by the long term impacts. The Green choices movement is a product of Cornell University; therefore we would expect the information provided to be very reliable, having been collated and assed by a number of academics who have devoted many hours of research into these conclusions. However we must consider the number of case studies used to come to these conclusions, if they used a limited number then results may not be representative of all areas. The environmental impacts of fracking are also explored in the Sustainalytics research paper Fracking under Pressure: The Environmental and Social Impacts and Risks of Shale Gas Development[6]. It has subdivided environmental impacts into â€Å"land† and â€Å"water† as well as a specific case study into ground water contamination. It also deals with social impacts such as â€Å"light and noise pollution† from continuously running rigs. However this paper had a disappointing lack of counter arguments, none the less it is still of great use as I am only using to strengthen the Environmental and social impacts side of my argument, thus it is not imperative that in contains counter arguments; the fact that it is a high reliable scholarly article is more important. Although it was published in 2011 so it may be subject to out of date information. The final source to add weight to the environmental and social impacts side of my argument is the ReFINE[7] project; this is the biggest research project of its kind in Europe, dedicated to researching â€Å"the issue of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods and its potential risks†. It not only referred to the already established environmental and social costs of fracking, but also raised some new issues that would add to my argument against fracking e.g. the argument over orphaned wells and who should take responsibility for them. One of most important factors associated with ReFINE is the fact that it has be carried out in Europe rather than America, making it the most relevant source that I have found as I plan to centre my dissertation around fracking in the UK. A common weakness in many of my other sources is that they may not be applicable to the UK. The source is objective, simply presenting the facts rather than trying to influence opinions. After reading the ReFINE paper I decided to try and gain a deeper insight into the implications behind it and try to find out what those behind it personally thought of Fracking in the UK. To do this I emailed the project lead who forwarded me on Dr Liam Herringshaw who was also involved in formulating the project, he agreed to answer any questions I had for him. This is an extremely valuable primary source; however I am aware it is highly subjective as it is only one persons opinion. Therefore I plan to use his responses not to base whole arguments on but rather to support arguments that have already been established. I believe there is no definitive answer to my question; views tend to be a result of the perspective, rather than hardened evidence. I hope that by formulating my ideas in a logical way using my sources both as the basis for my reasoning as well as to supplement my arguments; I will be able to construct a well-balanced argument from which a conclusion made. [1] Edward White, Mike Fell, Louise Smith, Matthew Keep, Shale gas and fracking, (London 2014). [2] Michael Levi Climate Consequences of Natural Gas as a Bridge Fuel , (January 2013) [3] Terry Engelder, The Fracking Debate, video, TED, (June 2013) [4] Shamus McGraw, The end of country, (2012) [5] [6] Sustainalytics, Fracking under Pressure: The Environmental and Social Impacts and Risks of Shale Gas Development, (August 2011) [7] ReFINE project, (2013)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Homosexual Undertones in the Movie, Bride of Frankenstein :: Movie Film Essays

Homosexual Undertones in the Movie, Bride of Frankenstein James Whale recreates the original horror of Frankenstein with his sequel Bride of Frankenstein, in which Henry Frankenstein once again tries to play God with the addition of an Eve to his already thriving Adam. "Henry Frankenstein...may attempt to reverse the Original Sin and re-enter the community by acquiescing to the horror clichà © that 'there are things we are not meant to know'--except that his initial hubristic motive was not just to figure out eternity but to create life without the help of any Eve (he wants to 'be as God' in a double sense), and when in the sequel he manages to get married it is a sure bet that some Dr. Praetorius will 'force' him into an all-male effort to create a bride for the monster" (Kawin 683). Unfortunately, the creation of Eve does not necessarily mean that her heart will belong to Adam. When the female monster first lays eyes on Monster, she lets out a blood-curdling scream. Thus, showing that love cannot be created, just like a person should not be created out of the dead. The only successful loving relationship of the film is between Monster and the blind hermit, which is viewed as a satire against heterosexual family values by critics. It is a satire because the heterosexual relationships in the film fail. For example, the relationship between Henry Frankenstein and his bride is doomed because of the kidnapping and blackmailing, which is destined to ruin even the most solid relationship. Also, the relationship between the male and female monsters is not meant to be because the female monster will not stop screaming, thus making Monster set fire to the laboratory causing their deaths. Thus, the only relationship that thrives is between the two loners. The relationship only thrives until society discovers them and deems their friendship unnerving, which parallels the way in which society viewed, and in some ways still views,